Our 6 tips for a successful Digital Transformation
1. Keep both eyes on your customers.
What are they buying? Why aren't they buying from you? Could tweaking your product bring them back? Do you need new lines of revenue? Any you should pull the plug on?
2. Remember that truly innovative ideas sit at the intersection of multiple disciplines and perspectives
Make sure your digital teams understand all aspects of your business. Have them work with product and service development, with operations, with marketing, with delivery, with support.
3. Automate but don’t expect miracles
Automation can improve your business processes, deliver efficiencies and make it more agile. It can reduce overhead costs. But it won’t mean the difference between success and failure.
4. Communication is your secret power.
Use it liberally. Share your vision for the business with all your stakeholders. Make a case for it. Invite questions. Address concerns. Offer training opportunities. Demotivated, demoralized staff will derail the best laid plans. Firms where no one beyond the senior leadership has any idea what's going on tend to have short lives.
5. You’re starting a new journey. Take your employees with you.
The people on the frontlines of a digital transformation are your employees. They will have to come to grips with new technology or learn to compete in new markets. Prepare them for change, in terms of both skill and attitude.
6. Make your digital teams your best friend.
Agile businesses need agile leadership. It is not possible to be an agile leader if you don't know what the team holding up the foundations of your business is doing.
Digital teams can’t be an afterthought. They are integral to the success of your vision. Treat them well. Keep the conversations open and ongoing. Deal with any potential or emerging bottlenecks or challenges swiftly.
Good luck!
#digitaltransformation #leadership #growth #coaching